Transformations.Talk “one planet neighbourhoods“, 19th Oct, online at 6pm
Dear everyone interested in CSX, CSA and Commoning,
this week we have another “Transformations.Talk” coming up: On 19 October we invite you to the topic “neighbourhoods”! Antonin Calderon from the Swiss network APRÈS, will join us (thank you!). We are pleased to be able to invite international participants.
APRÈS – The Social and Solidarity Economy Network is a non-profit association working for the promotion and recognition of the social and solidarity economy in the Geneva region. Since its creation in 2004, the network has grown considerably and today brings together more than 370 companies and organisations.
How can we design and develop “one planet neighbourhoods”?
“In Geneva, within the social and solidarity economy network (, we are developing a vision of goods and services that meet the needs of residents while significantly reducing their ecological footprint. Local and seasonal food, mutualisation of objects and mobility vehicles, ressources centre, service centre, third place, etc. We then need to convince neighbourhoods developers to implement this vision, and ensure that there are viable ecological transition businesses and enterprises, and sufficient demand for these goods and services. Quite a full programme!”

One planet neighbourhoods – Locali
In the autumn of 2022, APRÈS launched the “Locali” project. The aim of Locali is to offer subscriptions to local goods and services in each of Geneva’s neighbourhoods, providing people with a service while reducing their environmental footprint. These subscriptions provide access to local and seasonal food, clothing, shared mobility (in particular public transport tickets, bicycles, cars) and all kinds of other products.
About “Transformations.Talk”
There will be an impulse from theory or practice, followed by a discussion based on the three ways of NOW-NET, CSX criteria, other design principles to discuss and move the questions / ideas. Because every organisation, every community, every project brings individual questions that cannot always be solved or discussed within a group. But within a movement they can!
Here you will find all the information and an overview of past presentations on the Miro Board. You are welcome to join the discussions and impulses on this board. With this ongoing discourse, the monthly talks and all the information on Miro, we want to understand and fill the spaces between us graphically and narratively.
Where do we meet?
Online, here is the direct link to the meeting.
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Code: 09874080
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Kenncode: 09874080
Meeting-ID: 636 7773 9943
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