Transformations.Talk “MES Occitanie (Mouvement pour l’économie solidaire Occitanie)“, 30th Nov, online at 5pm
Dear everyone interested in CSX, CSA and Commoning,
on 30 November, we have invited Léopol Dauriac and Bérénice Dondeye to a “Transformations.Talk”. They will tell us about the French network “MES Occitanie” (Mouvement pour l’économie solidaire Occitanie), which is the network of the solidarity economy in the Occitania region of France. It is a member of MES France and co-founder of Ripess Europe.
About MES-O
MES-O is composed of organizations, businesses and individual citizens, and that carries out advocacy and actions on 3 pillars: Citizenship and economic democracy from a perspective of social justice and human and cultural rights; the transformation of socio-economic models and an ecological, economic, democratic, and social system change; and local territorial development rooted in emancipation, education and citizen participation.
MES-O’s projects often revolve around themes of food democracy, solidarity, and connecting local initiatives. Through it’s ’Marchés Suspendus’ project, for instance, MES-O works with food solidarity organisations to enable consumers to collect and share extra food from farmers markets.
Speakers: Léopol Dauriac & Bérénice Dondeye

About “Transformations.Talk”
There will be an impulse from theory or practice, followed by a discussion based on the three ways of NOW-NET, CSX criteria, other design principles to discuss and move the questions / ideas. Because every organisation, every community, every project brings individual questions that cannot always be solved or discussed within a group. But within a movement they can!
Here (Miro Board) you will find all the information and an overview of past presentations. You are welcome to join the discussions and impulses on there. With the monthly talks and all the information on Miro, we want to understand and fill the spaces between us graphically and narratively.
Where do we meet?
Online, here is the direct link to the meeting
Meeting ID: 621 5545 4142 Passcode: zusammen
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